考研英语外刊杂志波士顿环球报The Boston Globe-2024-9&10月(合集)
概述:《波士顿环球报》创刊1872年,是美国波士顿发行量最大的报纸。于1993年被《纽约时报》公司以11亿美元的价格收归旗下。 波士顿环球报开始于1872年6月,波士顿由埃约旦(约旦的零售商店马什的创始人 – 现在梅西的LED商人),谁联合投资15万元。 第一个报纸是出版的1872年3月4日和成本4美分。 在1873年8月,约旦作为临时聘用的业务经理一般查尔斯泰勒阁下扭转财政困难。《波士顿环球报》创刊至今已有137年历史,发行量虽然并不太广,读者群却以社会精英及知识分子为主。
Overview: The Boston globe was founded in 1872, is one of the largest newspaper circulation, Boston, USA. In 1993, the New York times company with the price of $1.1 billion behemoth. The Boston globe began in June 1872, Boston by Mr Jordan retail store, the founder of the marsh (Jordan – now messi LED businessman, who jointly invest 150000 yuan. The first newspaper was published on March 4, 1872, and the cost of 4 cents. In August 1873, Jordan as a temporary hire business managers, general Sir Charles Taylor reverse financial difficulties.The Boston globe founded has been 137 years of history, although not too wide circulation, readership is given priority to with social elites and intellectuals.
The Boston Globe-2024
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