

经济学人精读节选100篇On thin ice 如履薄冰



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经济学人精读节选100篇Zany ideas to slow polar melting are gathering momentum 减缓极地融化的滑稽想法正在蓄势待发


【1】Giant curtains to keep warm water away from glaciers strike some as too risky GLOBALLY, SEA levels have risen by somewhere between 21cm and 24cm since 1880. Most of this rise is a consequence of water physically expanding as it warms, but in recent decades meltwater flowing off Greenland and Antarctica has significantly contributed too.

单词解析:consequence:n. 后果;结果;重要性

例句:In consequence he lost his place.


【2】These rises in sea levels threaten coastal properties and the livelihoods and lifestyles of coastal communities, as well as the very existence of low-lying countries. Rising seas not only erode or flood land, they also let destructive storms reach ever farther inland. As melting polar ice becomes an ever more important contributor to sea-level rise, some have begun to embrace the notion that it could be slowed by technological means ranging from underwater curtains to ice-thickening pumps.


例句:She earned her livelihood by teaching.


【3】Climate science has been here before. For years the field has been divided over the promise and pitfalls of solar geoengineering schemes, environmental modifications that seek to reduce the impact of climate-warming solar radiation. The most controversial methods involve spraying mists of particles into the stratosphere, which would reflect some of the sun’s energy back out into space and cool the planet. Proponents say these could help buy time to decarbonise without the world suffering the worst consequences of climate change. Critics say they are too risky. The arguments can become acrimonious. These battles are now spilling over onto the ice.


例句:His parents went through an acrimonious divorce.


【4】In December 2023 Ken Mankoff, a climate scientist at NASA,organised a workshop on polar geoengineering at a large science conference. Though he was warned that doing so would start a “civil war” in the field, he feels there is much more agreement than disagreement among polar scientists: no matter their position on geoengineering, all are concerned that the effects of climate change are far outpacing efforts to slow or halt them. Given the urgency, it is no surprise that fresh ideas are attracting interest.


例句:An example of the former could be geoengineering.

2023 年 12 月,美国宇航局气候科学家肯·曼科夫 (Ken Mankoff) 在一次大型科学会议上组织了一场关于极地地球工程的研讨会。尽管他被警告说,这样做会在该领域引发一场“内战”,但他觉得极地科学家之间的共识远多于分歧:无论他们在地球工程方面的立场如何,所有人都担心气候变化的影响远远超过减缓或阻止它们的努力。鉴于紧迫性,新想法引起人们的兴趣也就不足为奇了。


【5】he proposed interventions take many forms. One prominent suggestion centres on outlet glaciers, vast frozen rivers which slowly shift ice off the land mass and out to the warmer waters of the sea. Several have been accelerating. Ice loss from Thwaites glacier in Antarctica, for instance, has doubled in 30 years, currently contributing 4% of the 3.5mm of global annual sea-level rise. Glaciologists are worried it could eventually collapse, raising sea levels around the world by 65cm. Warm water is melting the ice’s marine edge from below, eroding its “grounding line”, where it grips onto the bedrock for stability. Some are, therefore, proposing enormous underwater curtains be installed to keep warming currents away from the ice’s edge.

单词解析:bedrock :n.基岩(松软的沙、土层下的岩石);基本原则;牢固基础;基本事实

例句:It took five years to drill down to bedrock.


【6】No one can say yet what such curtains would be made of, how they would be secured, or how to stop them interfering with other vital local ecosystem services. Currents at Antarctica’s margins drive an important nutrient pump that feeds entire marine food chains farther afield. It is also possible that keeping one glacier cool would simply speed up the melting of its neighbours. To try to get some answers, scientists at the University of Cambridge’s Centre for Climate Repair are carrying out experiments in tanks and are planning outdoor trials in a local waterway.


例句:The nutrient is quickly leached away.


【7】Another prominent idea involves drilling boreholes through vertical kilometres of ice to siphon off water from the ice sheets’ base. The concept is straightforward: when a huge mass of ice sits on a bed of rock, the combined pressures and temperatures liquefy a thin layer of water at the interface of the rock and ice that helps the ice slide away. Removing this lubrication should help keep the ice in place.


例句:The wall is several degrees off the vertical.


【8】For a long time such ideas—and others, including holding outlet glaciers in place with physical barriers, as well as thickening vulnerable sea ice by pumping seawater on top of it and freezing it in place—were seen mainly as science fiction. But they are gaining momentum. Dr Mankoff’s workshop was one of three held between October and December to discuss polar geoengineering; a fourth was held earlier this year. More are planned, and several research papers are in the works.

单词解析:fiction:n. 小说;虚构的事;假想之物记忆fict 做,制作 + -ion 某种物,用品

例句:It’s important to distinguish fact from fiction.


【9】Yet opposition is growing. Martin Siegert, a climate scientist at Imperial College London, calls the whole discussion “absolutely insane”. “It came up years ago and many of us just ignored it. We thought ‘It’s not going to happen, so just don’t spend any time thinking about it.’” He and others have been taken aback by how much attention the proposals have attracted since the beginning of the year, and feel the time has come to challenge them.

单词解析:Imperial College London:伦敦帝国理工学院

例句:In the top10, other than Cambridge and Oxford, the only non-US university is Imperial College London, in ninth.

然而,反对的声音却越来越大。伦敦帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)的气候科学家马丁·西格特(Martin Siegert)称整个讨论“绝对疯狂”。“它几年前就出现了,我们中的许多人都忽略了它。我们想’这不会发生,所以不要花时间去想它。自今年年初以来,他和其他人对这些提案吸引了如此多的关注感到惊讶,并认为现在是挑战它们的时候了。


1)原文:He and others have been taken aback by how much attention the proposals have attracted since the beginning of the year, and feel the time has come to challenge them.


He and others have been taken [aback] [by {how much attention the proposals have attracted [since the beginning (of the year)](状语)}]and feel | the time has come to challenge them.(不定式)


taken 为谓语,采用现在完成时和被动语态。
how 为连接副词,引导宾语从句。
attracted 为谓语,采用现在完成时。
feel 为谓语。
第4个 the 开头为宾语从句,引导词 that 被省略。
come 为谓语,采用现在完成时。
to challenge 为不定式,作状语。
he 为人称代词主格。them 为人称代词宾格。other 为不定代词。have, been, has 为助动词。the 为定冠词。



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