

经济学人精读节选100篇The world this week|Business 本周世界:商业篇


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The world this week|Business|本周世界:商业

【1】India’s stockmarket, which became the world’s fourth-largest earlier this year, swung wildly in the wake of a surprise election result that saw Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party lose its majority. Having reached a record high after exit polls forecast a landslide for the BJP, the benchmark BSESensex index fell by 6% once the results were announced. It recovered a little the next day. The prices of shares in companies owned by Gautam Adani, a close associate of Mr Modi, were especially hard hit.


例句:She was expected to win by a landslide. 预计她会以压倒多数的选票获胜。

今年早些时候成为世界第四大股市的印度股市在意外选举结果之后剧烈波动,纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)的印度人民党(Bharatiya Janata Party)失去了多数席位。在出口民意调查预测印度人民党将出现压倒性胜利后,基准BSE Sensex指数创下历史新高,结果公布后下跌了6%。第二天它恢复了一点。莫迪的亲密伙伴高塔姆·阿达尼(Gautam Adani)拥有的公司的股价受到的打击尤为严重。

【2】Mexican share pricesalso dropped after a shock election result, with Claudia Sheinbaumwinning the presidency by a bigger-than-expected margin. Investors worried that her congressional majority would allow her to change the constitution and erode checks and balances. The peso fell, too.


例句:The congressional elections in November were another big story. 十一月国会选举是另一重大新闻。

在令人震惊的选举结果公布后,墨西哥股价也下跌,克劳迪娅·辛鲍姆(Claudia Sheinbaum)以高于预期的优势赢得总统职位。投资者担心,她的国会多数席位将允许她修改宪法并削弱制衡机制。比索也下跌了。

【3】America, meanwhile, is gaining a new bourse: the Texas Stock Exchange, which announced that it had raised $120m from investors including BlackRockand Citadel Securities. The exchange aims to rival the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, and to host its first listing in 2026.


例句:Once every city had a bourse. 曾经每个城市都有一个证交所。

与此同时,美国正在获得一个新的交易所:德克萨斯证券交易所,该交易所宣布已从贝莱德(BlackRock)和城堡证券(Citadel Securities)等投资者那里筹集了1.2亿美元。该交易所的目标是与纽约证券交易所和纳斯达克竞争,并于 2026 年首次上市。

【4】Nvidia’smarket capitalisation soared past $3trn, leading it to overtake Appleas the world’s second-biggest company. The chipmaker’s share price has risen so much in recent years that it is conducting a ten-for-one stock split, to make small trades easier.

单词解析:capitalisation:n. 资本化;市值;投资(利用);资本市值

例句:Q is a metric of market capitalisation divided by net worth. q值是市值与资产净值的比率。


【5】Shares in GlaxoSmithKlinefell sharply after a judge in Delaware ruled that evidence linking Zantac, a heartburn treatment, to cancer cases was admissible in court. The share price of Sanofi, which sells a reformulated version of the drug, also fell.

单词解析:reformulated:v. 再规划;再制订;再准备

例句:The process can now be reformulated with more detail as follows 该过程可以具体描述如下


【6】GameStopsaw its share price jump by as much as 75% after a photo posted to Reddit seemed to show Keith Gill holding 5m shares and 120,000 call options in the company. Mr Gill was one architect of the “meme stock” craze of 2021, exhorting retail traders to buy shares in order to give hedge funds (several of which had shorted GameStop) a bloody nose. By the time trading closed on the day the photo was posted, his position was worth $260m.

单词解析:hedge:n.防止损失(尤指金钱)的手段,(避免或减轻经济损失的)保值措施;模棱两可的话, 不明确的话;保护(或防御)手段



例句:The hedge needs pruning back.树篱需要修剪了。

GameStop的股价上涨了75%,此前发布在Reddit上的一张照片似乎显示Keith Gill持有该公司的500万股股票和120,000份看涨期权。吉尔是 2021 年“模因股”热潮的设计师之一,他劝告散户交易员购买股票,以便让对冲基金(其中几家做空了 GameStop)鼻子流血。到照片发布当天交易结束时,他的头寸价值2.6亿美元。

【7】Bill Ackman sold a 10% stake in Pershing Square, the firm through which he manages a closed-end hedge fund with over $15bn in assets. The deal values his company at more than $10bn, and is thought to be a prelude to a public listing.

单词解析:prelude:n.前奏;序幕;序曲;前奏曲;先声   v.为…作序;开头;成为…的序曲;演奏序曲;唱开场戏

例句:She preludes her remarks with a jest. 她开始讲话时先说一个笑话

比尔·阿克曼(Bill Ackman)出售了潘兴广场(Pershing Square)10%的股份,他通过该公司管理着一家资产超过150亿美元的封闭式对冲基金。这笔交易对他的公司的估值超过100亿美元,被认为是公开上市的前奏。

【8】Boeinglaunched its CST-100 Starliner spacecraft from Cape Canaveral, Florida, carrying two astronauts from NASA, America’s space agency. It was only the sixth launch of a new, crewed spacecraft in NASA’s history. Boeing’s Starliner programme is a rival to one run by Elon Musk’s SpaceX


例句:This ship cannot be crewed by two men. 两个人开不走这船。

波音公司从佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角发射了CST-100 Starliner航天器,搭载了来自美国宇航局的两名宇航员。这只是美国宇航局历史上第六次发射新的载人航天器。波音公司的Starliner计划是埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的SpaceX运营的竞争对手。

【9】An EUcourt ruled that McDonald’shas lost its “Big Mac” trademark for chicken burgers, though it will keep it for the better known beef recipe. The decision followed a long battle between McDonald’s and Supermac’s, an Irish competitor that claimed the trademark was preventing its expansion.

单词解析: competitor:n.竞争对手;(尤指商业方面的)竞争者,对手;参赛者;竞赛者 记忆compet(e) 竞争 + -itor 人

例句:They needed to make up ground on their competitors. 他们必须穷追猛赶竞争对手。


【10】An American court dealt the Securities and Exchange Commissiona serious blow by rejecting its proposed rules to force private-equity and hedge funds to be more transparent. Championed by Gary Gensler, the regulator’s chairman, the rules would have required fund managers to send investors detailed quarterly performance and expense reports. The judge ruled that their imposition would exceed the SEC’s statutory authority.


例句:When you buy foods you have certain statutory rights. 在购买食物时,你有一定的法定权利。

美国一家法院驳回了美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提出的迫使私募股权和对冲基金提高透明度的规则,从而对证券交易委员会造成了沉重打击。在监管机构主席加里·根斯勒(Gary Gensler)的支持下,这些规则将要求基金经理向投资者发送详细的季度业绩和费用报告。法官裁定,他们的实施将超出美国证券交易委员会的法定权限。

【11】Widespread medical use of psychedelicslooks less likely after a panel assembled by America’s Food and Drug Administration voted against the use of MDMA, the active ingredient in ecstasy, to treat post-traumatic stress disorder. That is bad news for Lykos Therapeutics, a biotech firm developing such a treatment.


例句:She went into ecstasies over actors. 她对男演员们着了迷。

在美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)组建的一个小组投票反对使用摇头丸中的活性成分MDMA治疗创伤后应激障碍之后,迷幻药的广泛医疗使用看起来不太可能。这对Lykos Therapeutics来说是个坏消息,这是一家开发这种治疗方法的生物技术公司。

【12】The Bank of Canadalowered its policy rate from 5% to 4.75%, making it the first G7 central bank to cut rates in this cycle. Inflation has fallen to 2.7% from a peak of 8.1% in 2022. Though the central bank’s target is 2%, a softening economy may have prompted it to cut early: Canada’s unemployment rate hit 6.1% in April.

加拿大央行将政策利率从5%下调至4.75%,成为本轮周期中首家降息的G7央行。通货膨胀率已从 2022 年的峰值 8.1% 降至 2.7%。尽管央行的目标是2%,但经济疲软可能促使其提前降息:加拿大4月份的失业率达到6.1%。

【13】Fears grew that America’s economy may also be slowing down, after the private sector added fewer jobs than forecast in May. The manufacturing sector contracted, too, with factory activity falling. Treasury yields dropped in response, as traders marked up the probability that the Federal Reservewould cut rates sooner rather than later.

单词解析:Federal Reservewould:联邦储备委员会


【14】Global investors have withdrawn $40bn from environmental, social and governancefunds so far this year, making it the first in which such funds have faced net outflows.

单词解析:withdrawn:v.撤回;(使)退出;撤离;停止提供;不再给予 adj.内向的;沉默寡言的;怕羞的 withdraw的过去分词

单词解析:net outflows:净流出

例句:I’d like to withdraw £ 250 please. 劳驾,我想提取250英镑。

例句:But UBS said the pace of net outflows had slackened in recent months, and January had been positive. 但瑞银表示,最近几个月,净流出速度已放缓,1月达到净流入。





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