

经济学人精读节选100篇What would get China’s consumers spending?


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经济学人精读节选100篇What would get China’s consumers spending?





Why do people go to a store thatooks good but not veryeye-catching? Customers have various reasons.Many appreciate the service here.High-quality products are also one of the reasonsCustomers say that fruits and vegetables are discarded after a day on shelves.Although the prices of goodsare not low, customers consider them fair.



Customers have a variety ofexplanations as to why they have travelled to what appears to be anice but unspectacular store. Many acclaim the service.Superior produce also helps: unsold fruit and vegetables are discarded after a day on shelves,shoppers say. Prices are not low but are considered fair.



Why do people go to a store that looks good but not very eye-catching? Customers have various reasons.
>Customers have a variety of explanations as to why they havetravelled to what appears to be a nice but unspectacular store.
● 复合介词
由两个或两个以上单词组成的介词叫复合介词。例如常见的in front of, because of, according to等
as to 也是复合介词,表示“关于,至于”,用于提及某个主题。它与普通介词用法一样,后面接名词或名词性从句:
I hadn’t a clue as to the meaning of”activism.“(我对“activism”的意思一无所知。)

As to tax, that will be deducted from your salary.(至于税款,将从你薪水中扣除。)
Medical opinion differs as to how to treat the disease(关于如何治疗这种疾病,医学界有不同的看法。)
外刊原文使用as to连接句子,使结构更紧凑。学生习作也可改为

Customers have various reasons as to why they goto a store that ……

as to类似的介词还有几个:regarding,with regard toin respect of, with respect to , as for , concerning 等。
Regarding your question about the project deadline, l will0provide an update soon.(关于您提出的项目截止日期问题,我将很快提供最新消息。)

The company’s position with regard to overtime is made Cclear in their contracts(公司关于加班的立场在合同中有明确说明。)
With respect to the proposed changes, we will need toconsider the impacton our customers(关于建议的修改,我们需要考虑对客户的影响。)
A writ was served on the firm in respect of their unpaid bill.(公司由于欠账而收到了传票。)
外刊原文的as to也属于正式用语范畴,而 as for则是非正式用语:
I have finished my work for the day. As for you, what are yourplans this evening?(我已经完成了今天的工作。你今晚有什么打算?)

All cases concerning children are dealt with in a specialchildren’s court.
received an email concerning the upcoming meetingschedule.
Why do people go to a store that looks good but not very eye-catching?
why they have travelled to what appears to be a nice butunspectacular store.

外刊原文中的名词性从句(宾语从句)whatappears to be anice …也可以写成定语从句astore that appears to benice….

He gave us a suggestion that seems to be good.
>He gave us what seems to be a good suggestion.

The young girl was too frightened to speak, standing there for amoment that seemed like hours.
>The young qirl was too frightened to speak, standing there folwhat seemed like hours.
Columbus reached a continent which is now called America>Columbus reached what is now called America.
High-quality products are also one of the reasons. Customers saythat fruits and vegetables are abandoned after a day on shelves.
>Superior produce also helps: unsold fruit and vegetables arediscarded after a day on shelves, shoppers say.
使用这种类型的冒号要注意1.第二个分句开头不用大写 2.前后均为完整句:
He doesn’t just write for fun: writing is his bread and butter(他写作不仅仅是为了好玩,写作是他的生计。)

My mobile phone has disappeared: it was on my desk a momentago.
All they want to know is: will there be a government job in theiifuture.
Although the prices of goods are not low, customers consider them fair.
>Prices are not low but are considered fair.
although与 but
学生习作使用 Although引导的让步状语从句,外刊作者使用but连接的转折型并列句,两种写法都可以,但although but存在一点点微小的差别。
Although the sun was shining, it wasn’t very warm.(可以理解为“太阳高照时理应暖和才对,实际却并不是。”)

Although the coral looks hard, it is very delicate
而 but相对而言语气没这么强烈,只是阐述一个对照性的事实·
I called Liz but she was out.。
The bike is rusty but usable0
外看原文中,“价格稍高但顾客认为公道”在日常生活中并不是这么令人意外的事情,用but便足够。下面这个例句则更合适用 although:
Although the price was ridiculously high, there were still long lineswaiting in front of those shops.


Why do people go to a store that looks good but not very eye-catching? Customers have various reasons.
>Customers have a variety of explanations as to why they havetravelled to what appears to be a nice but unspectacular store.
●不太起眼 not very eye-catching >unspectacular
Yellow is the most eye-catching color
The eye-catching advertisements will trap us into buyingthings that we actually don’t need.
The landscape is intersected with spectacular gorges
Some of these spectacular churches are no more than smallbuildings, barely 4 meters wide and 6 meters tall.(有些壮观的教堂不过是一些小建筑,只有4米宽,6米高。)

He gets spectacular goals and is a real crowd-pleaser(他有不少精彩的进球,是一位真正让观众兴奋的球员。
●各种各样的 various →a variety of
A variety of有点像a series of或者a range of,表示“一连串不同的”,而various单纯表示多样且不同,没有什么关联性。例如:
I have various hobbies.
Fables can be understood on various levels.(寓言可从不同的角度去理解。)
I like a wide variety of music.(我喜欢各式各样的音乐。)

He has a variety of health problems.

●理由reasons ->explanations
由于下文列举的喜欢去胖东来购物的原因,都是通过采访调查后从顾客口中得知的(customers explain),所以用explanations更为贴切;当然用reasons也是可以的。
●去go to >travel to
Many appreciate the service here.
>Many acclaim the service.
●赞赏 appreciate →>acclaim
l’d appreciate some feedback on my work(如果有人对我的工作提出意见我将感激不尽。)
You can’t really appreciate foreign literature in translation(看翻译作品不能真正欣赏到外国文学原著的美妙之处。
The film met with considerable critical and public acclaim0(这部电影深得评论和公众的赞扬。)

CThe restaurant has been widely acclaimed for its excellent French cuisine.(这个餐馆因出众的法式烹调而受到广泛赞扬。
High-quality products are also one of the reasons. Customers saythat fruits and vegetables are abandoned after a day on shelves
>Superior produce also helps: unsold fruit and vegetables arediscarded after a day on shelves, shoppers say.
优质的 high-quality>superior
Our superior technology is our ace in the hole。
I’ve personally never subscribed to the view that either sex is。superior to the other
产品 products ->produce
We quarantee the freshness of all our produce(我们保证我们的农产品都是新鲜的。)

There’s an increased demand for organic produce these days.(目前对有机农产品有更大的需求。)
●也是原因之- are also one of the reasons →also helps用于列举的连接词,除了常见的moreover,furthermore,in addition to等,

Sports are good for mental health, meditation helps too.。(运动对心理健康有益,冥想也是。)
Regulations could be passed to increase the income of。migrant workers. Lower taxes would also help(可以通过法规提高农民工的收入,降低税额也会有所帮助。)

●被丢弃 are abandoned>are discardedabandon表示 give up(有时是不得已的情况):
The captain gave the order to abandon ship.(船长下令弃船。)
Most ofus read, send and discard emails at lightning speeds(大多数的人都闪电般地阅读、发送和删除自己的电子邮件。)
customers是正确的,shoppers则是细致到“正在店里买东西的人”,与 shelves相对应。


eye-catching adj.引人注目的
explanation [,sksplo’neran]n.理由,解释
acclaim [a’klerm]v.公开赞誉
high-quality [har’kwalati] adj.高质量的
discard [drs’kard]v.丢弃
shopper [apar]n.店内购物者fair [fer]adj.公平的
文章来源:《经济学人》34-32  May 9th 2024 文章标题:What would get China’s consumers spending?


经济学人精读节选100篇What would get China’s consumers spending?  胖东来为何受欢迎?插图3

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