

经济学人精读节选100篇Pssst! Want to read something about rumour and innuendo?


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经济学人精读节选100篇Pssst! Want to read something about rumour and innuendo?





The workplace is full of gossip.Reputations are partly shaped bygossip, and knowing this can bea threat to bad behaviour.lf someone was constantlybeing lazy and leaving work for others to do, peoplewould possibly pass this information to a person whowas going to work with this useless colleague.



Gossip pervades the workplaceThe knowledge that reputationsare partly forged through gossipcan act as a deterrent to bad behaviour.lf someonewas constantly slacking off and leaving others to do thework, people were likely to pass that information on toa person who was going to work with thisgood-for-nothing.



Reputations are partly shaped by gossip, and knowing this can be athreat to bad behaviour.
>The knowledge that reputations are partly forged through gossipcan act as a deterrent to bad behaviour.

外刊作者此处使用了同位语从句。The knowledge叫本位语,that reputations……through gossip是同位语从句,详细说明 knowledge的具体内容。
所谓“同位”,即本位语和后方从句在句子中充当同一种成分,此处The knowledge和that-从句均是主语。

No one was infallible, and this saying is well-founded.

>The belief that no one was infallible is well-founded


He had apologized, but she thought it was useless

>The fact that he had apologized counted for nothing with her.


1:fact belief news
truth report proof
problem notion

2:hope idea
doubt conviction
knowledge concern
He will overcome all these difficulties, and l never doubt that

>I have no doubt that he will overcome all these difficulties
The supreme happiness of life is that we should believe we areloved.
>The superior happiness of life is the conviction that we areloved.

people would possibly pass this information to a person who wasgoing to work with this useless colleague.
>people were likely to pass that information on to a person whowas going to work with this good-for-nothing.
表达“可能”所用到的词汇大致包含以下几个:likely,probable(probably),perhaps,maybe, may,might,possible(possibly)等。按可能性程度划分,他们分为三组。
可能性接近百分百,相当于中文的“十有八九”likely, probable(probably)
Tickets are likely to be expensive.
They aren’t likely to arrive this side of midnight.
= They are unlikely to arrive this side of midnight!
=They hardly likely to arrive this side of midnight

The tree is probably over a hundred years old.
=It is probable that the tree is over a hundred years old.
The driver was probably taking a pee.
= It is probable that the driver was taking a pee.
probably是标准的副词,若用它的形容词形式probable,一般使用It is probable that句型
Likely和 probably表示的可能性概率一致,但意思上有细微差别。probably只表达中立的推测,likely则含有说话人的预期结果(expected outcome):
Tickets are likely to be expensive.
They aren’t likely to arrive this side ofmidnight.
可能性约为 50%,相当于中文的“一半一半”,“五五开”:perhaps,maybe,may
Perhaps he has grown wiser with age.
(*可理解为他变得睿智的原因 50%是年龄增长,50%是其他。)think perhaps we should go indoors.
(*这是礼貌语,给听话人go indoors或stay outside两种选择。)

Tax cuts may unbalance the budget.
May l speak off the record?
“Will she come to my birthday party?”-“Maybe.
(*表示来 party的几率是 50%。)
Maybe they’ve just gone shopping
You never know, l might get lucky.
(*可理解为:get lucky的概率其实很小。)
Mightlmake asuggestion?
They were casuallydressed: possibly students
They were casually dressed; lt is possible that they arestudents.

*注意possible与 probable-样,也使用lt is possiblethat句型。
学生习作里使用的是people would possibly pass..,但由于“把某个八卦信息传达出去”是职场中非常有可能发生的事情,因此用possibly并不合适。而“传播八卦”其实又带着expectedoutcome:人们希望八卦被传播出去以达到威慑作用,所以用people were likely topass……最合适。


The workplace is full of gossip.
Gossip pervadesthe workplace,
●到处都是 is full of >pervades
be full of是静态表述,pervade是动态表述=spreadthrough(弥漫,遍布):
The fragrant breath of spring rain pervades in the air.(空气中散发出春雨的芬芳。)

Biases against educational backqround still pervade many placeson the Internet.
这里使用 pervade体现了八卦的“传播”性。(可结合invade进行记忆)
Reputations are partly shaped by gossip, and knowing this can be a threat to bad behaviour.
The knowledge that reputations are partly forged through gossipcan act as a deterrent to bad behaviour.
●塑造 shape >forge
forge的原意是“锻造”(create by hammering),例如:
Bronze objects can be melt down and forged into coins(青铜制品可以被熔化并锻造成硬币。)
They forged a lead in the first 30 minutes of the game.
Russia was the first country to forge a new economic systemunder the banner of Marxism.

●进行威慑 be a threat >as a deterrent
be act as的区别在于:act as 强调一种“非平常的,较为特殊”的情况,看以下例句:
Last summer she acted as a quide for tourists
This coin may act as a screwdriver.
外刊作者此处使用 act as,意在表述gossip存在一个比较特殊的功能–用于威慑。
The threat ofnuclear escalation remains.

This is one of four submarines which make up the UK’s nuclealdeterrent.
Capital punishment(死刑)
Military exercise(军事演习)
The freeze on bank accounts(冻结银行账户)
If someone was constantly being lazy and leaving work for others tcdo, people would possibly pass this information to a person whowas going to work with this useless colleague.
>If someone was constantly slacking off and leaving others to dothe work, people were likely to pass that information on to a personwho was going to work with this good-for-nothing.
●偷懒 be lazy > slack off.

The rope suddenly went slack.
Discipline in the classroom is very slack.
slack off中slack转换成了动词(类似narrow→narrowdown,warm→warm up),但作为动词的意思与原意几乎相等:
Slack off those ropes there, there’s a storm coming!
Without stress, you may slack off and idle away your time(没有压力,你会懈怠和消磨你的时间。)
●传达给 pass to → pass on to
pass on to 表示“先接收,再传递”,例如:
John passed the book to Mary.
Mary passed it on to Laura.
外刊原文使用 pass on to,表述人们先获取八卦,然后传递表接续。出去。这里的on与keepon,goon中的on一样,:*pass on to还可表示先完成,再传递

Pass the salt to me.(= Give it to me.)

Pass on the salt to me.(= Give it to me when you have finishedwith it. )

废物:useless colleague >good-for-nothinggood-for-nothing叫做含连字符的复合名词,他们通常是通过短语转化过来的。

pick me up(来接我)
stick in the mud(陷在泥里)
hard to reach(难以触及)
ready to wear(待穿)
free for all(对全员开放)
ready-to-wear 成衣


You know who(你知道某人)


gossip[‘ga:sIp]n.八卦,流言蜚语reputation [,repju’tern]n.声誉forge [fo:rd3]v.锻造;塑造坚固的事物act as v.作为特殊用途
deterrent [dr’t3:rant]n.威慑slack off [slæk]v.使松掉;散漫be likely to 很可能会
pass on to(接收后)传递

good-for-nothing n.废物

文章来源:《经济学人》34-32  Apr 25th 2024 文章标题:Pssst! Want to read something about rumour and innuendo?


经济学人精读节选100篇Pssst! Want to read something about rumour and innuendo?  嘘!想读一些关于谣言和影射的文章吗?插图3

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