

大西洋月刊精读节选100篇A Crush Can Teach You aLot About Yourself


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大西洋月刊精读节选100篇A Crush Can Teach You aLot About Yourself





Crushes allow you to learn morea bout yourself. Through this behaviour, adolescents canclarify what traits they value in others and how thisprocess reflects on themselves.However, crushes canalso develop into over-obsessions, and when this happens, they can blind reality.



Crushes can teach you a lotabout yourself.Adolescents develop them as a way to formulate what attributes they value in others and what that says about their own identity.However, crushescan also grow into excessive infatuation, and whenthey do, they can cloud reality.




can clarify what traits they value in others and how this process
that+reflects on themselves.
…… to formulate what attributes they value in others and whatthat says about their own identity
名词性替代之 that
外刊作者使用 that表达“这个过程”。使用 that的好处是①简洁②明确,因为总可以从前文中找到that替代的具体内容,例如原文中that替代的是前半句中(adolescent)value some attributes in others 这个行为。That替代的使用规则如下:
1. 只代物,不代人:
No bread eaten by man is so sweet as that earned by his ownlabour.

The blonde girl l saw was older than that you were dancingwith.(错误)
The blonde girllsaw was older than the one you weredancing with.(正确)


The problem confronting us today is not dissimilar from thatwhich the nation confronted in the 1930s.
The climate in the coastal areas of the country is muchmilder than that in the interior,
The flowers you bought today are more fragrant than that youbought yesterday.(错误)
The flowers you bought today are more fragrant than thoseyou bought yesterday.(正确)
My seat was next to that of the mayor
Your car isn’t fast enough. Let’s take his new that(错误)

Your car isn’t fast enough. Let’s take his new one(正确)

外刊原文就是替代 what attributes they value inothers,也就是(adolescent)value some attributes inothers 这个行为。
That本来就表示单数:Thatis.;Those 表示复数:Those are
凭语感可记忆。我们常听到the red one(s)这类说法,但从没听过 the red that这种说法。
crushes can also develop into over-obsessions, and when thishappens, they can blind reality.
>crushes can also grow into excessive infatuation, and when theydo, they can cloud reality.
外刊作者使用do替代growinto excessive infatuation。与前面说的名词性替代一样,目的是为了简洁与明确,

Bill damaged his father’s car. At least he told us that hedid.(比尔弄坏了父亲的车,但至少他把这事儿告诉我们了。)
John is smoking more now than Maryis doing.(约翰现在抽炳比玛丽多。)

Some people like a shower after they have played tennisPeter does,for example.(有些人打网球后喜欢洗个淋浴,例如彼得就是这样。)
2. used to句型
He used to idle away his time, didn’t he?
Yes, he did /he used to.
(- 是的。)
Mary looks very happy. She seems happier now than she seemedhappy last time we met.(玛丽看起来很快活。她显得比我们上回见面时更高兴。)
→>Mary looks very happy. She seems happier now than she didlast time we met.



Crushes allow you to learn more about yourself
>Crushes can teach you a lot about yourself.
●拟人 personification
这里使用了中文里我们很熟悉的拟人修辞法。拟人修辞的运用很广泛。这篇外刊原文里的what that saysabout their own identity和crushes can also grow intoexcessive infatuation也使用了拟人修辞。
lwant some chocolate.
>The chocolate bars are calling my name.
My child is spending his time on the phone all day long

>My child is in love and dating with his phone all day long
Through this behaviour, adolescents can clarify what traits theyvalue in others and how this process reflects on themselves.

>Adolescents develop them as a way to formulate what attributesthey value in others and what that says about their own identity.
●明确 clarify →formulate
formulate 最基本的意思是阐明,归纳(因此“公式”是formula)。先看以下两个例句:
I was impressed by the way he could formulate his ideas in。his book.(我对他在书中归纳自己想法的方式印象深刻。)Critics love to generalize, to formulate trends.(评论家喜欢概e括,归纳出流行趋势。)
由此可见,formulate是一个较为缓慢,逐步完善的过程。外刊作者使用formulate,再配合前面的develop:描述 crushes让青少年“了解他人的同时也去了解自我这个过程是逐步的,符合现实。学生习作的through和clarify则有些过于快速了
●特质 traits→attributes
traits 多指内里的特质,例如:
Kind and patience are truly wonderful personality traits(善良0和耐心确实是美好的人格特征。)
Optimism could serve as a psychological trait that promoteshealth andalonger life.(如果该研究的结论成立的话,那就表明)乐观是可以促进健康和长寿的一个心理特质。)

attribute 表示“属性”,有表有里。例如游戏角色,或某个运动员的各种参数等就是 attributes

由于人在 crush的过程中,看重的特质一般包含外在(颜值,身高,身材等)和内在(性格,智商,才华等),所以用attributes更全面,

However, crushes can also develop into over-obsessions, and whenthis happens, they can blind reality.
>However, crushes can also grow into excessive infatuation, andwhen they do, they can cloud reality.
迷恋 obsession →infatuation
infatuation 特指 foolish passion or love,例如:His infatuation blinded him to her faults.(他对她的迷恋使他看不见她的缺点。)
obsession 是爱情或非爱情都可以表达。但它的时间会比infatuation要久一些,也就是说infatuation有可能发展成 obsession。
由于 crushes一般是比较冲动即时的行为,所以用短时的infatuation 比比较准确。
蒙蔽现实 blind reality →>cloud reality
Jeffrey barreled toward me.(barrel大桶的意思;杰弗利连滚。带爬向我走来。)
Coat the fish with seasoned flour.(coat是大衣的意思;往鱼0身上裹上调好味道的面粉。)
The pickerel would occasionally arrow the surface.(arrow是箭的意思;小梭鱼偶尔会箭一般地跃出水面。)


crushes[‘krnJIz]n.恋上某人,心动,暗恋adolescent æd.aes.ant]n.青少年
trait [trert]n.特质
reflect [rr’flekt]v.反映
obsessionlab‘sef.an n.痴迷
blind [blarnd]v.蒙蔽
formulate [‘fo:r.mja.lert]v.明确,归纳
attribute [o’trrb.ju:t]n.属性
infatuation [In,faet∫.u’er.Jon]n.(短暂的) 痴迷cloud [klavd]v.使蒙蔽


文章来源:《大西洋月刊》34-29  August 25th 2024 文章标题:A Crush Can Teach You aLot About Yourself


大西洋月刊精读节选100篇A Crush Can Teach You aLot About Yourself  恋上他人可以让你可以更了解自己插图3

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