考研英语外刊科学美国人杂志Sсiеntifiс Аmеricаn-2023-3-4月刊
《科学美国人》(英文原名:Scientific American,缩写:Sci Am)是美国的一本科普杂志,始于1845年8月28日,起先是每周出版,后改为每月出版;作为《自然》的姐妹出版物,《科学美国人》涵盖的受众包括企业主、高级经理人、决策者和意见领袖,与《自然》的学术受众形成互补。 [1] 有151位诺贝尔奖得主撰稿。2009年的本刊撰写者中有四位获诺贝尔奖。其在2005年12月时每个月约有555000份国内(美国)发行量,以及90000份国际发行量。虽然被认为是大众化的高水平学术期刊,但这本杂志并不采用类似《自然》杂志同行评审的方式审查稿件,而是提供一个论坛来呈现科学理论和科学新发现。
Scientific American (abbreviation: Sci Am) is an American popular science magazine that began on August 28, 1845, initially weekly and then monthly; As a sister publication to Nature, Scientific American reaches an audience of business owners, senior executives, decision-makers and opinion leaders, complementing Nature’s academic audience. [1] There are 151 Nobel laureates who have contributed. Four of the authors of this journal in 2009 won Nobel Prizes. As of December 2005, it had a monthly circulation of approximately 555,000 domestic (US) copies and 90,000 international circulations. Although considered a high-level academic journal for the masses, the journal does not review manuscripts in a peer-reviewed manner similar to Nature, but provides a forum for presenting scientific theories and new discoveries.