

纽约时报精读节选100篇 Death by Doctor May Soon Be Available for the Mentallyin Canada

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纽约时报精读节选100篇 Death by Doctor May Soon Be Available for the Mentallyin Canada




According to a law scheduled to take effect in March, assisteddying will also be allowed for patients whose medical condition is only mental illness.This has sparked debate among Canadians, with some believing it indicates that the country’s publichealthcare system is not offering enough treatment formental illness.



Under a law scheduled to take effect in March, assisted dying would also become accessible topeople whose only medical condition is mental illness.That move has divided Canadians, some of whom viewit as a sign that the country’s public health care systemis not offering adequate psychiatric care.



assisted dying will also be allowed for patients whose medicalcondition is only mental illness
assisted dying would also become accessible to people whose onlymedical condition is mental illness

Would you like something to drink?(您想喝点什么吗?)I would like to make a reservation for this evening.(我想预订今晚的座位。

Are you going out with me this weekend?
-Sure l will.
Are you going out with me this weekend?
-1would do so ifl felt better
Iflmade alot ofmoney, lwould travelaround.(如果我赚了很多钱,我就会到处旅行。)
Iflhadn’t bought the computer, l would have spent moretime with my friends.(如果我当初没有买电脑,我会花更多的时间和朋友在一起。)
This has sparked debate among Canadians, with some believing……
That move has divided Canadians, some of whom view it as……

外刊作者使用动词 divide表达分歧,将持不同意见的人分组;接着使用 some ofthem描述不同群组的不同意见,结构非常有条理。(还可用all of/most of/part of/afew of them…等任何你所学过的不定代词 +of)
some of them….
a few of them……
only two of them…..
●定语从句之不定代词 +of+关系代词
为了把some ofthem与主句连接起来使结构紧凑,这里使用了不定代词 +of+关系代词引导的定语从句。这种结构用来描述整体或局部特征,看几个例子:
They had three children.
Allofthem majored in science
>They had three children, all ofwhom majored in science

Many people are going on diet! Some of them are slim.
>Many people, some of whom are slim, are going on diet
(工厂每年生产 50 万双鞋,其中 80%销往国外。)
The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year.80% of them are sold abroad.。
>The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year80% of which are sold abroad.
由此可见这种结构的用法非常简单:指人用whom,指物用 which。唯一需要注意的是它们大多都是非限定性定语从句,记得加逗号。


根据一项预定在3月生效的法律,安乐死也将被允许用于 病况仅为精神疾病的病人。
According to a law scheduled to take effect in March, assisted dying will also be allowed for patients whose medical condition is onlymentalillness
Under a law scheduled to take effect in March, assisted dving would also become accessible to people whose only medical condition ismental illness.

根据-项法律 accordingto alaw →under alaw
under the contro!(在…的控制之下)
under the rules(在…的规定下)
under ofleadership(在…的领导下)
因为law其实同等于severalrules,所以under the law可以关联到 under the rules去记忆。用这种关联性思路可以轻松记忆一些固定搭配,例如:
The child was born deformed in consequence of an injury to itsmother.
in consequence of(由于)↔ because of(因为)
That gave me a taste for reading,
taste for↔ sense for(由于 taste的英文解释中写了它的原始意思是the sense you have that allows you to recoqnize differentfood,因此可以通过 sense的固定搭配去记忆)
We told you all these things in confidence.(我们都是悄悄告诉你的。)
in confidence ↔ in secret(都表示“秘密地”)
The meeting was held in secret.(会议是秘密举行的。)

With confidence, you have won even before you have started.(只要有了信心,即使还没开始就已经算是赢了。)
with confidence ↔ with one’s help(都表示“有…”)With their help, we finally got there on time.
被允许用于 be allowed for >be accessible to
The museum is easilyaccessible by car.(开车前往博物馆非常方便。)
The documents are not accessible to the public.(文件不对公众开放。)


whose medical condition is only mental iliness>whose only medical condition is mental ilness
学生习作中 only的位置有可能让人理解为“病况只不过是精神疾病而已”,所以把only位置调整到medicalcondition前面。
it indicates that the country’s public healthcare system is notoffering enough treatment for mental illness
some of whom view it as a sign that the country’s public health caresystem is not offering adequate psychiatric care

表明 indicate →a sign
由于 sign(标识) 國 是生活中常见的事物,带有alert(警示)的感觉。外刊作者巧妙地使用(viewitas)asign对公共医疗体系不完善进行强调。试对比:
Headaches may indicate stress in life.
Headaches may be a sian of stress in life.
足够的 enough>adequate
Your wages are adequate to support three people in your family.(你的工资足以养活一家三口。)
When l have earned enough money, l will travel around the world.(等我赚够了钱,我就会周游世界。)
这里的 enough就很模糊,不存在一个具体数值
外刊原文使用 adequate是由于这个结论是从“精神疾病安乐死纳入法律”而理性分析出来的结果。


take effect 开始生效
assisted [e’srstrd]adj.辅助的
assisted dying 协助死亡;安乐死
medical condition 医疗状况
mental ilness 精神疾病
spark debate引发争论
indicates [‘ndr,kerts]v.表明
public healthcare system 公共医疗系统
[ak’sesabl] adj.可通达的
be accessible to 对…可通达的


文章来源:《纽约时报》34-27  Mar 24th  2024 文章标题:Death by Doctor May Soon Be Available for the Mentally


纽约时报精读节选100篇 Death by Doctor May Soon Be Available for the Mentallyin Canada插图3






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