

经济学人精读节选100篇 Congress tells China: sell TikTok or we’ll ban it


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经济学人精读节选100篇 Congress tells China: sell TikTok or we’ll ban it





TikTok is placing its hopes on anappeal to America’s courts.Evelyn of Stanford Law School thinks that the company has sufficient defence evidence.“Precedents throughout decades indicate that the government cannot ban a form of communication because they don’t like the content onit, even if it involves foreign competitors.” she says.



TikTok is pinning its hopes on anappeal to America’s courts. The company has a strong case.believes Evelyn of Stanford Law School.“Decades of precedent hold that the government can’t ban a form of communication because they don’t like the content onit,even when it involves foreign adversaries,”she says.



*Precedents throughout decades indicate……even if it involvesforeign competitors.” she says.
>“Decades ofprecedent hold ……even when it involves foreignadversaries,”she says.
My mother told me:“Follow your passion and the moneywill come.(X)
My mother told me, “Follow your passion and the moneywill come.
Mom always says, “Don’t play ball in the house”Mom always says, “Don’t play ball in the house.(X)
The girl shouted, “Get that thing away from me!
Mary cried out, “Are you kidding?”
“Dinner will be ready in 10 minutes.” Mrs. Perkins said.
“Dinner will be ready in 10 minutes,” Mrs. Perkins said.

Mrs. Perkins said,“Dinner will beready in lO minutes.”
“Dinner will be ready in lO minutes,Mrs.Perkins said.
Sarah nodded and said, “l think you’re right. We can’t getvery far on this project if we can’t work together
“But now there’s hardly any time left. Do you really think wecan get it all done by Friday?”
Evelyn of Stanford Law School thinks that the company has sufficient defense evidence.
>The company has a strong case, believes Evelyn of Stanford LawSchool.

就单个句子来说,说话人放前放后都可以。但就段落来说,外刊原文中Evenly的论点“The company has astrong case”和论据“Decades of precedent……” 用“believes Evelyn of Stanford Law Schoo!”隔开,能使论点论据两个部分更独立和醒目。对比:
Evelyn of Stanford LawSchool thinks that the
company has sufficient
defence evidence.
:Precedents throughoutdecades indicate that
the government cannot
ban a form of
communication becausethey don’t like the
content on it, even if itinvolves foreign
competitors.” she says
The company has astrong case, believesEvelyn of Stanford LawSchool.“Decades ofprecedent hold that thegovernment can’t ban aform ofcommunicationbecause they don’t likethe content on it,evenwhen it involves foreignadversaries,” she says.
even if it involves foreign competitors
>even when it involves foreign adversaries

even 引导的让步状语从句:
even though/even when/evenif按照事情发生的频率递减。看以下例子:
Even though Bob studied very hard, he still failed his Frenchtests.(表示Bob平时确实常常努力学习,只可惜他的法语考试还是不及格。)
Even when Bob studied very hard, he still failed his Frenchtests.(表达 Bob有努力学习的时候,但不是常常。而他偶尔努力学习时,他的法语考试也还是不及格。)
Even if Bob studied very hard, he still failed his French tests(表达 Bob很少努力学习。但即使他努力了,他的法语考试还是会不及格。)
原文中,由于出现国外的竞争对手是偶尔发生的事,所以用even when it involves foreign adversaries最为合适。


TikTok 寄希望于向美国法院提起诉讼
TikTok is placing its hopes on an appeal to America’s courts.
>TikTok is pinning its hopes on an appeal to America’s courts.

寄希望于 placing its hopes on > pinning its hopes on
pin one’s hope on 它来源于16世纪时,士兵会把领袖的徽章别在自己的袖子上方,于是有了pin one’s faith onsomeone’ssleeve这个说法。

后来hope取代了faith,演化成 pin one’s hope on这个习语,表示寄托希望。例如:
I had pinned my hopes on this promotion, so lwas crushed。when /didn’tgetit.(我曾寄希望于这次晋升,所以当我没有得到它时,我感到非常沮丧。)
She’d pinned her hopes on an early acceptance to thecollege but it didn’t materialize.(她曾寄希望于被大学提前录取,但最终未能如愿。)
Evelyn of Stanford Law School thinks that the company hassufficient defense evidence.
>The company has a strong case, believes Evelyn of Stanford LawSchool.
有着充分的辩护理据 has sufficient defense evidence →>nas a strong case
astrong case 法律术语 = to have strong evidence 表示有一定把握的案子
与它对应的还有asolid case = to have solid and truthfulevidence 指胜算很大的案子

几十年来的先例 表明,政府不能因为不喜欢某个社交媒体上的内容而禁止这种社交形式,即使这涉及到国外的对手。
Precedents throughout decades indicate that the governmentcannot ban a form ofcommunication because they don’t like thecontent on it, even ifit involves foreiqn competitors
>Decades ofprecedent hold that the government can’t ban a formofcommunication because they don’t like the content on it, evenwhen it involves foreign adversaries
几十年的先例Precedents throughout decades ->Decades of precedent
“几十年的先例”中心词应该是“先例”,而Decades ofprecedent短语的中心词却是decades,看起来好像不对应。
其实在一些含有具体时间的of短语中,可以把中心词看成of后边的名词。有点类似于ten years of hard work =ten years’ hard work。多看几个例子:
Writing the book took ten months of hard slog.(这本书是苦熬。十个月写出来的。)
He returned after 40 years ofexile.(他流放40年后归来。)
They have looked at halfa century of data from fisheriesaround the world.(他们研究了半个世纪以来世界各地渔业的数据。)
这种结构其实类似于最简单的acup oftea,语法结构上中心词是acup,实际是tea。

●表明 indicate >hold
hold 在法律英语中的意思是认定,裁决。例如:
The appellate court hold that the trial court’s decision waserroneous.(上诉法院认定初审法院的判决错误。)
因此原文用 hold说明先前类似诉讼案的审判结果。
competitor 常用在多人竞赛,如:
The first prize was awarded to the youngest competitor.(-等奖授给了最年轻的比赛者。)
The boxerjabbed at his opponent.(拳击手向对手猛击。)。
In debate he was a formidable opponent.(在辩论中他是位难应付的对手。)
This year the newspaperhas outsold its main riva.(今年该报的发行量已超过了它的主要对手。)


pinning one’s hopes on 寄希望于…
appeal [a’pi:l]n.上诉
a strong case 较有把握的案子
precedent [‘prssrdant]n.先例hold(法律词汇)v.裁决
adversary [‘ædvarsari]n.对方,敌手


文章来源:《经济学人》34-28  Apr 24th 2024 文章标题:Congress tells China: sell TikTok or we’ll ban it


经济学人精读节选100篇 Congress tells China: sell TikTok or we’ll ban it TikTok是否会被禁止插图3






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