

经济学人精读节选100篇Who should play whom on stage?谁应该在舞台上扮演谁?


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经济学人精读节选100篇Who should play whom on stage?谁应该在舞台上扮演谁?

【导读】Back Story幕后故事。

【1】TWO HOUSES, both alike in dignity, have invoked ancient grudges and sparked new mutinies on the vexed question of who should play whom in drama. Both are theatres in London that have made headlines with Shakespeareanleads. In different ways they suggest the commotion that casting decisions can cause, the benefits they can confer and the problems left unsolved.

单词解析:vexed:adj.(指人)恼火,烦恼,伤脑筋;(指问题等)棘手的,伤脑筋的 v.使恼火;使烦恼;使忧虑 vex的过去分词和过去式

例句:Everything about her vexed him.


【2】There is a nice dramatic symmetry in casting Tom Holland, who plays Spider-Man in the Marvelfilms, in another classic tale of volatile adolescence, “Romeo & Juliet” (pictured). Both Spider-Man and Romeo hide big secrets; dragged into old enmities, both find their crush is the daughter of a foe.


例句:In Taiwan, old enmities remain.

在漫威电影中扮演蜘蛛侠的汤姆·赫兰德(Tom Holland)在另一个关于动荡的青春期的经典故事《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(如图)中选角有一个很好的戏剧性对称性。蜘蛛侠和罗密欧都隐藏着大秘密;两人都陷入了旧的敌意,发现他们的暗恋对象是敌人的女儿。

【3】There is a commercial logic, too. A megastar among young audiences, Mr Holland may be the most famous of the Hollywood A-listers to appear recently in the West End and on Broadway. After performances at the Duke of York’s theatre he is mobbed at the stage door. Almost all the few remaining tickets, in a run that lasts until August, cost £345 ($440). Critics of celebrity casting worry that it contributes to rising prices. Not every screen idol, they point out, has the chops for a soliloquy.

单词解析: chops:v. 切碎;砍;剁碎;劈;(大幅度地)削减,降低;终止;取消;向下猛击 n.砍;剁;猪(或羊等)排;劈;掌劈

例句:There’s not much meat on this chop.


【4】Mr Holland enters in a hoodie and the sort of nasty short-fringe haircut that some teenagers now go in for. With wit and warmth, plus a flash of bicep, he proves the doubters wrong. Nuanced and lucid, Francesca Amewudah-Rivers, a relative unknown, is even better as Juliet. (A black actor, she has been vilely abused by racists purporting to know what Juliet really looked like.) There is no balcony in this pared-back production. The star-cross’d couple sit touchingly side by side to declare their love.


例句:Ryan Roche refers to her knitwear as “pared-back and minimal and essential,” while Rosetta Getty defines her eponymous line as “refined and easy to style for effortless dressing.”
罗奇•瑞恩(Ryan Roche)称自己设计的针织装是“瘦削型、风格简约、必不可少”,而罗塞塔•盖蒂(Rosetta Getty)则把自己的同名品牌定义为“精致、随意搭配的休闲装”。

霍兰德先生穿着连帽衫和一些青少年现在喜欢的那种令人讨厌的短刘海发型。他用机智和温暖,加上二头肌的闪光,证明了怀疑者是错的。弗朗西斯卡·阿梅乌达-里弗斯(Francesca Amewudah-Rivers)细致入微,头脑清醒,相对不为人知,甚至比朱丽叶更好。(作为一名黑人演员,她曾被种族主义者卑鄙地虐待,声称知道朱丽叶的真实面貌。在这个简约的作品中没有阳台。这对星光熠熠的情侣感人地并肩而坐,宣告他们的爱意。

【5】Jamie Lloyd, the director, has brought in lots of young punters. Alas, his stylised staging lets them and the actors down. He uses cameras and screensto relay action from the foyer and roof; passion is intercut with bloodshed. Much less successful is the choice to have many lines declaimed into standing microphones, as if in a slam-poetry contest.Weakening the links between characters, this trick frays their bond with the audience.


导演杰米·劳埃德(Jamie Lloyd)带来了许多年轻的投注者。唉,他风格化的舞台让他们和演员们失望了。他使用摄像机和屏幕来传递门厅和屋顶的动作;激情与流血交织在一起。选择将许多台词对准站立式麦克风,就像在大满贯诗歌比赛中一样,就不那么成功了。这种伎俩削弱了角色之间的联系,破坏了他们与观众的联系。

【6】Across the Thames at Shakespeare’s Globe, a new “Richard III”has set off another kind of ruckus. Michelle Terry, the theatre’s artistic director, is the titular villain in an almost entirely female cast. She has received abuse for presuming, as a woman, to play a king. But gender is not the main flashpoint.


例句:It could become the next Balkan flashpoint.

在泰晤士河对岸的莎士比亚环球剧场,一部新的《理查三世》掀起了另一场骚动。剧院的艺术总监米歇尔·特里(Michelle Terry)是几乎完全由女性出演的名义上的反派。她因为作为女性扮演国王而受到虐待。但性别并不是主要的爆发点。

【7】Rather it is the flouting of a new orthodoxy. This holds that, for reasons of authenticity and justice, disabled parts must be played by disabled actors (and trans parts by trans actors—and so onwith other marginalised groups). Richard III is described and typically portrayed as disabled. Thus, the Disabled Artists Alliance protested, “This role belongs to us.”


例句:They see some of our industries becoming marginalised or less competitive.


【8】Like many battles in the culture wars, this is not a skirmish between lefties and reactionaries, but between progressives with diverging tactics. Committed to “anti-literalism” in casting, the Globe is a champion of inclusivity. Recently Francesca Mills, who has a form of dwarfism, was a sensational Duchess of Malfi. Nadia Nadarajah, who is deaf, will soon star in “Antony & Cleopatra”.

单词解析: skirmish:n.小冲突;小规模战斗;(尤指)遭遇战;(尤指政治上对立双方的)小争执,小争论 vi.发生小规模战斗(或冲突、争执)

例句:Police skirmished with youths on the estate last Friday.

就像文化战争中的许多战斗一样,这不是左撇子和反动派之间的小规模冲突,而是策略不同的进步人士之间的小规模冲突。致力于在选角中“反文字主义”,Globe 是包容性的拥护者。最近,患有侏儒症的弗朗西斯卡·米尔斯(Francesca Mills)是一位耸人听闻的马尔菲公爵夫人。聋哑人纳迪亚·纳达拉贾(Nadia Nadarajah)即将出演《安东尼与克利奥帕特拉》。

【9】If the Globe is the wrong theatre to berate, this is also the wrong show. Largely described in insults, Richard’s physical affliction is sketchy in Shakespeare’s text. Here almost all these references are excised; the focus is on the play’s deep seam of misogyny. An able-bodied Richard glories in forcing the widow of a man he killed to marry him—then murders her. He hates women and, perceptively, they hate him back. The cross-gender casting makes you think anew about the play’s macho violence.


例句:He has spoken perceptively on many subjects.



1)原文:This holds that, for reasons of authenticity and justice, disabled parts must be played by disabled actors (and trans parts by trans actors—and so onwith other marginalised groups).


This holds | that, <for reasons (of authenticity and justice)>disabled parts must be played [by disabled actors](and trans parts [by trans actors]–and so onwith
other marginalised groups).


holds 为谓语,采用一般现在时。动词采用第三人称单数形式。
that 为连词,引导宾语从句。
played 为谓语,采用被动语态。
第2个 parts 为谓语,采用一般现在时。动词采用第三人称单数形式。
so 为连词,引导状语从句。
marginalised 为谓语,采用一般过去时。
must 为情态动词。this 为指示代词。other 为不定代词。be 为助动词。



经济学人精读节选100篇Who should play whom on stage?谁应该在舞台上扮演谁?插图3

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